Thursday, February 23, 2012

Little Kiki Face



...this kid will be the death of me...

(...if her sister doesn't get to me first...)

I took Kiki into the Esquimalt Health Unit today for vaccines
(for her AND I...owie)
and while we were there we took the Ages and Stages Questionaire for 6 months.

We took the 4 month one at the neurologist in the beginning of January and she did.. okay. There was some concern for her fine motor skills, but overall didn't need a lot of observation... was an epic fail...

She is much lower on the scale than before. Although she hasn't actually REGRESSED she hasn't really gotten any further in her development. 

We have an Early Intervention Team coming to help at some point... 

Good news though.. she is now 15lbs14oz... putting her in the 99.9th percentile for weight.. 


(Keep beast baby in your prayers though... her development is quite lacking...)

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

I haven't posted since November...

I really didn't do so well at blogging in the last little...long...while.

Christmas at the Blenkin's!

Dave was working at Futureshop so we basically never ever saw him. He did get Christmas Day off
which we spent with Baba, Papa, Auntie Bear (Jackie) and Unkie Kyle.

New Year's with Natalie

Busy busy month..
I don't really remember it.. 
I do remember that Kiki had a neurologist appointment and doesn't have to have an MRI until she's TWO! (If she even needs one!) 

Cute girls night out.
I looked back at my calendar for February and felt a little overwhelmed. 
I picked up TWO volunteer positions at the church! Both leading worship and coordinating an art gallery that will be opening up on SUNDAY!
(email me at for more details!)

My pretty girls.

So that brings us basically up to date.. 

Sonia...two and a half...and a pile of attitude

..i promise to be better at this..

Kalyn...5 months old...our little cuddle bug