Sunday, May 20, 2012

I promise.

So I have really been awful at keeping up with my blog..  sorry.

Today was Peter and Alison's last Sunday at High Point Church. After this week, they will be moving to Ontario and then Kuwait (woah!). And ... since they will be far far away...I should probably get better at blogging. 

So I promise (mostly to you Alison) that I will be better at this. Once a week. Minimum
(I don't want sandstorms to erase your memory of me...or whatever sandstorms do...)

I have been stinking busy... but that isn't a good excuse. 
I need to be more scheduled. 

I need a schedule in general.   


And now, 2 fun pictures from Alana Wilner Photographer.
Love the baby kisses.

Love. Love love love.

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