37w5d. Not too bad.
Here is the story about how little Kalyn Anne Rochelle entered the world...
Sonia could sense Kalyn coming. We started putting her to bed at 8pm.. she didn't go to sleep until 11 or so. At 9am the next morning (while changing Sonia on my bed) my water broke. I am impressed with how calm I was as Dave was at work and it was just Sunny and I. I made the appropriate calls (including a call to the ambulance since our car was in the shop) and waited for everyone to show up. Dave came, followed by Natalie and then two ambulances.
We packed up my stuff (as Sonia flirted SHAMELESSLY with the paramedics) and we hit the road.
As we headed into labour and delivery we realized it was pretty busy...
They put me in a stretcher in a recovery hallway.
Then they moved me to a shared room in the antepartum unit for labouring...
There I was informed that an epidural was out of the question for me because it was too busy but I would be allowed to have other pain killers. I said I wanted them and so my midwife gave me nitros oxide 'in the meantime'.
I was then moved to a private room in the antpartum unit to deliver.
I asked for the stronger drugs. No dice.
So, after the most outrageously awful 3 hours of my life we met Kalyn.
Now some of you might remember that we have been following a cyst in Kalyn`s cerebellum. When she was born she also had one on the inside corner of her left eye about the size of my pinkie fingernail.
(you can see it in these photos)

Here is the fun part of the story. After the 2 days in hospital fretting about her o2 stats, blood sugar, breathing and cysts we were finally getting discharged. Everything was looking better and Kalyn was doing awesome. I finished feeding her and remember noticing her eye cyst and thinking about the doctor visits that were to follow...
...I went into the bathroom to change and pack and when I came out the doctor was there checking Kalyn over.
"So it looks like her eye is all better."
Yeah. Gone. Within 15 minutes.
"So what follow up do I have to know about in regards to her other cyst?"
"Her last ultrasound actually had no record of a cyst. So we'll get a non urgent MRI to confirm but it looks like it's gone".
2 cysts that could have really affected her life are gone in 2 minutes.
Now she is home and is SUCH a good baby! Barely cries, eats beautifully and Sonia LOVES her.
Kalyn's first bath
Barb! Kalyn is SO CUTE! I love her little kissy lips!
Congrats girl! She is truly lovely and Praise God for the miracle she is!
Barb! That is amazing :) We are so happy for all of you, and for this big miracle! Can't wait to meet your family of four
Praise God for His healing touches!
Haha, how does Dave feel about being in his underwear on the internet?
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