Monday, May 28, 2012


This...has been a LONG 5 days.

Me and Sunny

I don't even really know what to post.  I've learned that single mums are probably the most awesome, strong and organized humans on the earth. 

aka...single mothers and fathers are super heroes...

Reading about belly buttons.

I am, however, impressed with myself. My kids have eaten things other than cereal. I have no dirty dishes (that's a lie.. I have a dirty glass...) and the girls have been wearing clean clothes...ish... and we have left the house a few times.

mama and kiki

Monday, May 21, 2012

single mother time is approaching.

In a few days Dave is heading up north for work.

Very bittersweet. 

He has been out of a job and on EI for a few months.. so this is really good.

Downside: He will be gone for three weeks at a time.

This would have been easier if he left right after getting laid off before because I was kind of used to doing things on my own. But now? Yikes. He has been home everyday for about three and a half or four months. I'm so used to having him around to help out that I'm not sure I can juggle things the way I used to!!

So, since he is leaving, I have had a lot of people asking me how they can help while he is gone.

I have figured out two things. 

1) Food. I can't cook. Sonia and I will probably starve. So my friend suggested a cooking party where we make a bunch of meals I can freeze. Awesome. This will be like teaching me to fish...rather than just handing me a can of tuna. I can watch these capable ladies/mothers/etc make stuff and learn from them about their tricks and tips. Can't wait. 

2) ORGANIZINGGGGG!!! My house is a disaster. Most things don't really have a home. we have a HUGE walk in closet that we use for storage, but no human can actually walk into it at the moment. Also, we have a ... crap pile a.k.a. freezer/shelf/other shelf buried under things. It stresses me out to just look at it. I found a blog that has inspired me to do something about it.. but it is such a BIG JOB!!!! I think I just need extra hands.

That all being said. Anyone who can cook and/or create things.... feel free to come over. If not.. feel free to come over for coffee or something! I'm going to need all the help I can get to stay SAAAANNNNNNEE!

I would like to turn this....

...into THIS!!!

(check out my inspiration here!)

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Barbie Dream Toilet Owls!

My dear friend Barbie just had her second child - and first daughter! Congrats to you my love bug! Layla is SO beautiful and I can't wait to see her grow up in her Barbie Dream Home with her Barbie Dream Family!! is how to make toilet owls to decorate bedrooms...and bathrooms...and world. I love youuuu!

A tutorial for making toilet paper roll owls.

Start with a toilet paper roll and sharpies!

Fold over half of the top... like so.

...and the other side...

start with eyes..

...and then the rest or her...or him...

Now, let her perch with her owl friends.
(I named this one Honey)

~welcome to the world baby Layla!~

I promise.

So I have really been awful at keeping up with my blog..  sorry.

Today was Peter and Alison's last Sunday at High Point Church. After this week, they will be moving to Ontario and then Kuwait (woah!). And ... since they will be far far away...I should probably get better at blogging. 

So I promise (mostly to you Alison) that I will be better at this. Once a week. Minimum
(I don't want sandstorms to erase your memory of me...or whatever sandstorms do...)

I have been stinking busy... but that isn't a good excuse. 
I need to be more scheduled. 

I need a schedule in general.   


And now, 2 fun pictures from Alana Wilner Photographer.
Love the baby kisses.

Love. Love love love.