Wednesday, September 19, 2012

30 minutes

I am sitting her counting the minutes until bedtime.

Not my bedtime. 

THEIR bedtime.

I have one little monster dancing naked around the living room and another one eating paper and chasing the cat.
(I think my cat may be becoming suicidal...but that's another story)

There are just those days where everything they do is clearly to push my buttons. Or to injure the other one. And I think that was just one of those days. 

But there are also the cute stages...days...moments..

30 minutes...29....28....27....

And when that time comes, Pekoe and I look at each other, breathe a sigh of relief and rendez-vous on the couch where we enjoy wine and tortilla chips.

Oh...and the occasional Deer Mouse.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love reading your blog all the time. You amaze me. Love you babe. Dave.