Friday, November 22, 2013

Sonia Faye is Growing Up

Oh. My. Goodness.
Sonia on her way to her first day of school

My little baby has started school ... kind of.

 Even though she's only there a few hours a week, she has learned how to write her name, gone on a field trip, learned about Diwali (and Indian breads and spices), made halloween/remembrance day crafts, had a Halloween party and made a few friends. 

Sonia's Halloween costume

There are 15 kids in her class and they are ALL SO ADORABLE. Teeny little 4 year olds (including one little girl who is the same size as my Kiki!!) running around and learning how to socialize. Sonia already has a crush AND had her first kiss.. hahaha 

(The boys mum told me that he said "a girl at school kissed me...ON THE LIPS" and she asked who in the photo it was - it was Sonia. HAHAHA)
Sonia's school photos... sigh
I can't believe how OLD my baby is now. She is growing into a beautiful, strong, funny and sweet little leader. I can't wait to see what's ahead for her and what is in store for her life.

Happy Movember everyone

Big things I'm sure. 

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