And I could not have expected anything different from a Legault family event. 100% predictable. Some of the following events have been altered, removed or censored to protect the individuals involved. :) I have used pictures off of the internet to jog your imagination on the missing parts. Enjoy the ride...
After the ferry ride, and a pick up from Jackie, we arrive at our dad's. Hung out for a bit..Jackie and Kyle left back to her place..

...and then we ordered pizza at midnight.
The next day we had a lot of running around to do. Between groceries and numerous other things we had to pick up I'm not sure how we even got to dinner! After a few bevvies dad, Dave and Kyle decide it is time for matching haircuts. So, they all piled into the cab and headed to the hairdressers for matching 'number 2' buzz cuts......

.........and then when she finally got dad home and let him out of the car, we all applauded him. Nice. Finally we got dinner going and the guests started to arrive. Everything was really great. Jackie made epic cranberry sauce (as usual), the turkey was moist and tasty and the yams were delightful. I really enjoyed picking the mashed potatoes out of my hair. Yeah. A food fight. Then dessert. We had a pumpkin pie with whipping cream..which was also nice getting out of my hair. Yeah. Two food fights. After most of the food was cleaned up my lovely niece Shae decided her grandfather should probably have his ear pierced. Nice. So, I found someones earring on the floor and Shae and our friend Maria proceeded to pierce his ear. With the potato in one hand behind his ear and a gaudy rhinestone earring in the other, Shae pierces papa's ear. She screams as she squishes it through...gross.
Once everyone was ready for bed, we went into the room to make our bed.....

......and then once everything was cleaned up, we made other sleeping arrangements for everyone (including dad, Jackie and Kyle at the Sheraton Guildford, nice).
The next day we all told ___, ____ and _____ what they 'missed' the night before, had a few good laughs and went home.
Happy Thanksgiving.
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