Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Cat. Part One.

The cat has blood lust.

There have been a few 'gifts' left for me in my livingroom..
Dead ones.
Gross. Fine. Whatever.

Then there was 'the bird'.

Pekoe brought it in while the girls and I were right there. I got mad at her..she let it go...


It FLEW over our heads and behind the TV.

I yelled.
Kalyn cried.
Sonia screamed.

I ushered the girls into their bedroom (I had to carry them both ebcause Sonia was too scared to even move) and went to check it out. The little teeny sparrow (which moments before I could have sworn was the size of an albatross) was hiding under cords behind the tv.

Screw this. I'm not dealing with this right now.

So the girls and I left.

I called the landlord to go get it. He agreed and came in to get it. He couldn't reach it so he grabbed a bowl of water to lure it out. When he came back, it was gone. He figured it flew out the window.


HOURS later, Kalyn wakes up from her nap SCREAMING.

She found the bird.

I don't know what happened exactly, but when I got in there she was sitting in her crib freeeeaking out and the bird was trying to get out her closed window. So... I opened it up and out it flew.

I hate things that fly.

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